What Happens When You Take Viagra with Beer?

viagra with beer

Although taking Viagra with beer is not expected to cause severe consequences, many doctors recommend avoiding such mixture. Unfortunately, many men neglect these warning and continue taking Viagra with alcohol. It is high time to figure out how much beer can you drink with Viagra.

Why does alcohol make Viagra not work?

Viagra (Sildenafil) is a drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The drug helps achieve an erection in response to sexual arousal. The composition of Viagra includes the active substance sildenafil citrate. This substance enhances blood circulation in the male genital organs, thereby providing a stable erection. The drug is able to help five men out of four. Therefore, you need to choose the right dosage. A man should start with the minimum doses and gradually increase it until you get the desired result. Bear in mind that one-time dose cannot be increased by more than 20 mg.

Alcohol is a potent means, which includes ethanol. Ethanol refers to poisonous substances, which can cause severe poisoning and disrupt the functioning of many internal organs.

Can I take beet after drinking Viagra?

This question is still unanswered. Conducted clinical trials do not give results, there is no ban on mixing beer and Viagra. But you should know that alcohol has a negative effect on the human body, so we have to has warned you that the combination of these two substances is undesirable.

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If we review these two elements from a chemical point of view, it turns out that they do not interact with each other in any way. Although when they mix in the stomach, there is another situation. Alcohol helps to slow the absorption of sildenafil, which means that the drug slows down its effect.

Alcohol affects the nervous system of a person. Large doses of beer decrease its sensitivity, causing poor concentration and unclear thinking.

Male potency is also affected by alcohol. Sometimes a person feels a rush of strength, energy, excitability, he is ready for a long sexual act with a hard erection. But more often, when taking large doses of alcohol, there is a decrease in sexual desire, the muscles relax, the person lacks oxygen, it is difficult to breathe, and a man cannot achieve an erection at all. Alcohol has the ability to accumulate in the testicles, sperm, and prostate, causing toxic effects on the sex cells.

Viagra medication is designed to treat sober patients suffering from sexual disorders but not for drunk men trying to have sex.

Alcohol and Viagra interaction most often harms the body. With alcohol consumption, liver function is significantly slowed down, so the processing of sildenafil can be delayed until the liver processes alcohol.

The effect of the medication may come much later. In such cases, the liver suffers most, and if you do not pay attention to it, you can get serious health problems.

How does Viagra work with alcohol?

You can take Viagra wit beer, but there is a risk of getting a lot of problems. Alcohol acts on the cardiovascular system, increases the contractility of the heart muscle, the heart begins to work in an active mode. Viagra strengthens the circulatory process, forcing the heart muscle to increase contractions. Thus, the result of mixing Viagra with alcohol is a double load on the heart. At the same time, a man suffers from an increased blood pressure, headaches, malaise, red face.

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Recently, generic Viagra Soft Tabs have been introduced on the market. This medication acts much softer the regular Viagra. You need to dissolve a pill under the tongue. And if you take a pill of Viagra Soft with a small amount of beer to spend a pleasant and unforgettable evening.

If you go to a party or another celebratory event, remember that fatty foods also slow down the action of Viagra. Studies have shown that the process slows down by 30%.

When you cannot avoid drinking beer, know your measure. Then, you will be able to maintain health, avoid overloads, and enjoy a sexual life.

So, can you take Viagra with beer?

Yes, you can combine Viagra with beer, but not often and in small doses. Do not forget that alcohol weakens the effect of the medication.

Alcoholic drinks negatively affect not only erection but can completely disable the entire motor system. Beer should be taken in limited quantities – then you will not have to take ED pills because you will have a wonderful health.

Scientists calculated that the maximum dose of beer taken with Viagra should not exceed 700 grams. Thus your potency will not suffer and the date will be a success. With more beer, the result is very doubtful.

People who suffer from heart disease or hypertension can have serious health consequences when mixing Viagra and alcohol. Even an overdose of Viagra without beer is dangerous.

Every man should weigh his capabilities and his needs and decide what is more important – health or a dubious pleasure. Be careful with Viagra mixed with alcohol and take care of your health!

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