Is It Worth Taking Viagra and Alcohol?

Scientists has a belief that the maximum alcohol dosage – 100 grams of vodka, the presence of which provides the minimal side effects level, but the effect remains optimal. 100 mg vodka for a stronger effect is equivalent to 400-450 ml of wine, 700 ml of beer, 600 ml of gin and tonic.

There is a common interest relating to the possibility of mixing Viagra with alcohol.

It is up to you to decide, either sex or alcohol, if you want to get drunk then do it, only when you take Viagra in being drunk, you will achieve no effect at all. If you have a great desire to carry out sexual intercourse, then you should visit the pharmacy and buy Viagra, then invite your girlfriend, drink maximum a glass of wine and start doing what you want the most.

Viagra (sildenafil) is a selective competitive inhibitor of PDE 5. The molecules of these drugs are similar in structure to the cGMP molecule, but their effect is that they block the action of the PDE5 enzyme. From the point of view of pharmacochemistry, even insignificant differences in the structure of molecules can lead to a pronounced difference in their action. A vivid example of similarities in structure and differences in properties are the molecules of testosterone and estradiol.Viagra with alcohol

Viagra and Alcohol Effects

Nowadays, there is no confirmation that Viagra and alcohol (in moderation) consumption can become a fatal consequence.

A man with 80 kg weight can consume about 100 g of vodka and take Viagra without any ramifications.

From the point of view of chemistry, the main component of Viagra (Sildenafil) with alcohol does not interact with each other, and it is proved by science. But life has been proven that after an unbearable amount of alcohol in the blood (for everyone it is, of course, different), there may be problems with erection in principle. In some cases, the whole motor apparatus is disabled together with the consciousness that guides them. So that it is rather difficult to estimate the alcohol and Viagra interaction.

See also  What Happens When You Mix Viagra and Vodka?

You can take Viagra (sildenafil) with alcohol, but you risk turning a holiday into a nightmare. Why? Alcohol increases the cardiac loading, magnifying the number of cardiac muscle contractions stimulating heart for a greater performance. Viagra also affects the heart, the number of contractions levels up as well. Putting one on the other, the heart begins to experience a double loading. The pressure increases, headache appears, heaviness in the head, face redness. Such phenomena are observed in case of a hangover as well. True, if there is no problem with increasing the pressure, and vice versa, if the pressure is lower, then such Viagra and alcohol side effect may not happen, and Viagra taken after alcohol will pass without unnecessary inconveniences and give a satisfactory result.

Fact: alcohol can increase Viagra side effects.

Among the various side effects of Viagra, dizziness, headache, indigestion, face redness, muscle pain, diarrhea, which can also be a side effect of alcohol consumption, are prominent. That’s why the use of Viagra increases the chances of unpleasant side effects from these drugs, reducing the chances of having normal sex.

Well, getting drunk when taking Viagra is stupid, not only because there will be no effect, but because even if the effect is present, when you wake up in the morning you will hardly remember, and your headache (hangover) will not make you feel vigorous, so that Viagra and alcohol interaction are not only physically incompatible but also morally.