Can You Mix Viagra Soft and Alcohol?

Alcohol and Viagra SoftViagra Soft and alcohol are compatible. When you know your measure and control alcohol consumption, there will be no harmful effects on the body, and your date will be a success. However, there are some nuances you need to know about alcohol and Viagra interaction. Read the article to learn all the details.

Mixing Viagra and alcohol: general rules for all types of Viagra

There are rules applied to all types of Viagra. If you are planning to take this drug at the party, you should know that fatty foods can slow down the effect of sildenafil by 30%. To get the best results, you need to minimize the consumption of alcohol and fatty foods. Then it will be easier to get what you want and not worry about your potency and general health.

Viagra Soft Tabs and its compatibility with alcohol

The development of Viagra Soft Tabs was a real sensation in the market for ED drugs since this medication could be taken with alcohol. The action of Viagra Soft Tabs is based on the interaction of several useful organic substances located in the human body, it can be taken with alcoholic beverages and fatty foods, which is contraindicated in the majority of similar ED medications.

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The lasting time of the drug depends on the human body, the working capacity of the organs and their integrity, but the manufacturers gave a 100% guarantee that the minimum lasting time for Viagra Soft Tans is 5 hours, the average time is 7 hours, the maximum impact varies from 8 to 10 hours.

The drug has many positive qualities, including its release form. It’s a chewable tablet that allows beneficial microorganisms to immediately enter blood vessels, bypassing the stomach.

But what happens if you mix alcohol and Viagra Soft Tabs? In what cases is this interaction safe?

Can you drink alcohol with Viagra Soft Tabs?

It was proved that a small dose of alcohol up to 50 ml is compatible with Viagra Soft Tabs. This preparation never interacts with ethyl. If you have no erection after mixing Viagra Soft and alcohol, this probably means that you have taken a large dose of alcohol and it’s a usual intoxication.

Possible side effects of drinking alcohol and taking Viagra Soft Tabs

Men who think about taking these two substances together should know in advance that Viagra and alcohol effects may be negative:

  • Deviation in the sense organs, impairment of vision and color perception, hypersensitivity to bright light;
  • Heavy stomach or discomfort after eating;
  • Fainting, dizziness or headaches;
  • An allergy, which often occurs in the form of a cold.

These signs indicate that Viagra Soft Tabs is a drug that can not be used without consulting a doctor. This medicine should be prescribed by a doctor after checking the patient’s condition. Otherwise, you will not get the desired effect but also damage your body.

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How much alcohol can you drink with Viagra Soft Tabs?

The scheme of a romantic date is simple: a meeting, drinking alcohol, having sex. You can act in a different way, but this is the most common option. If you act according to this scheme, then mixing Viagra with alcohol is inevitable. First, an excited lover takes a pill of Viagra which improves potency and then drinks alcohol, which worsens it. This makes no sense, doesn’t it? What can you do in such situations? If you can not avoid alcohol, use Viagra Soft Tabs in the smallest dose. The best option is taking 50 mg of the drug, this will be enough to get the desired effect, and the likelihood of unwanted symptoms will be reduced to the minimum. Advertisements claim that Viagra Soft and alcohol is a safe combination, but, in fact, this interaction has not been fully studied.