Category: Wine Review - Part 8

Don’t drink the water

Robin and her friend Susan had been going to Isla Mujeres, a tiny island off the coast of Cancun, Mexico for 15 plus years before I was invited to join them in 2005. Along with the typical advice I was given by the two well traveled ladies of “Don’t drink the water”, I was told…

What’s this Twitter Taste Live stuff?

I’ve been babbling about this Twitter Taste Live stuff all week, if not two.  I want to explain why I’ve been talking about it, plus hopefully get your help so I can win some wine!  I know that a lot of people who follow me don’t like wine, or don’t drink at all. I am…

Palma Real Rueda Verdejo

I have been tossing around the idea of qualifying for The Wine Century Club for some time now.  The first time I had heard of it was when Kathleen Lisson said she was having dinner with the Wine Century Club back in April. For someone who I enjoyed and respected on twitter to feel it…

Kelley Creek 05 Zinfandel

I’ve come across many wines that didn’t suit my palate. Some were too sweet, others too dry, and still others just didn’t give me any reason to drink more of it.  However, no wine has given me such an adverse reaction as this Zinfandel from Kelley Creek did. Now, before I continue, I will say…

Big Fire – an Oregon Pinot Gris

I have been really slacking with the wine review lately. Well, I’ve been slacking with typing and POSTING the reviews, but I’ve been drinking and reviewing new wines steadily for weeks. I’ve got a backlog of about 15 reviews that I’m writing up right now. However, I decided it was time to do my first…