Can You Achieve Erection When Taking Viagra with Alcohol?

Taking Viagra with AlcoholCan you drink alcohol with Viagra? How much alcohol can you drink with Viagra? And can you get a stable erection when taking Viagra with alcohol? We will answer all these questions in this article.

Using a miracle blue pill can provide a reliable erection. Moreover, if you select the correct dose, this drug copes with erectile dysfunction of any severity. Many patients ask a question: how does viagra work with alcohol? After all, it is a common situation when a sexual act is preceded by “hot drinks”.

Viagra and alcohol interaction

Alcoholic beverages negatively affect the work of the human body, including the central nervous system. Difficulty in the work of nerve cells dulls the body’s reactions, which is the reason for a weak erection in a state of intoxication. And since famous blue pills are intended to improve the erectile function, mixing Viagra with alcohol is not a good idea.

Viagra and alcohol do not give a severe reaction. However, the consequences of their joint intake can be dangerous:

  • the process of processing sildenafil is slowed down since the liver is busy neutralizing alcohol;
  • the heart and the vascular system receive a double load since Viagra and alcohol effects are similar: increased heart rate and blood pressure;
  • alcohol can delay the onset of Viagra action or completely prevent it.

These statements do not mean that taking Viagra with alcohol will 100% weaken your erection. You just need to know how much alcohol can you drink with Viagra without harming the body and plans for the evening.

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How much alcohol can you drink with Viagra?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor and understand whether it is possible to take Viagra with alcohol. If you have no contraindications, you can combine Viagra and alcohol in small doses. An acceptable dose of alcohol depends on the strength of the drink:

  • beer – up to 700 ml;
  • wine – up to 500 ml;
  • vodka – up to 100 ml.

Each patient is responsible for his condition, deciding whether it is necessary to take Viagra with alcohol. It is important to assess your age and state of health. If you neglect this advice, the consequences may be disastrous effect and instead of a date, you will have to go to the hospital.

Therefore, if you decided to mix Viagra and alcohol, you need to determine the dose that will be compatible with the drug. If for some reason the dose of alcohol exceeds the norm, you’d better avoid taking Viagra pills since such interaction can provoke side effects.

Viagra mixed with alcohol: different points of view

If we take the chemistry into account, we may suggest the sildenafil does not interact with strong drinks. However, experiments have shown that such interaction is undesirable for male potency because alcohol has a negative effect on sexual health. Here you need to pay attention to an interesting detail: potency is affected not by alcohol but its combination with Viagra pills. Ethyl also slows down the absorption time of the PDE5 inhibitor. So you’d better take blue pills separately from booze.

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So can you take Viagra with alcohol?

Studies have shown that there is no such serious need to prohibit taking viagra and alcohol. On the other hand, no one encourages you to take ED tablets with alcoholic beverages. We conclude that Viagra and alcohol interaction is NOT recommended.