News - Part 15

Dear Restaurants- Step Up Your Wine Game

Robin and I don’t go out to eat very often. Since we cook fairly well, and always have amazing wine on hand, why settle for something subpar? And, when we do go out to eat, it’s usually the same two or three places with unique menus, and a great wine list, or a corkage fee….

I Vasari – An Italian Red Wine Worth 20 Bucks

One of my goals for 2014 is to focus on Italy. Not only wine from Italy, but food, architecture, travel, and culture. Some of those things I’ll write about, and others I’ll just enjoy quietly. Of course, I love food and wine from around the world. However, a new collaboration with Lora from Cake Duchess…

Setting Wine Related Goals in 2014

Cheers, and Happy New Year! I hope 2014 finds you and your family happy, healthy and prosperous! For me, I’m not making resolutions this year. I’m only setting goals. Some easy, some lofty, but all targets I plan on hitting! The first is to pass the Certified Sommelier exam in April 2014. The second is…

Extra Dry versus Brut Champagne – Which Is Drier?

You don’t like Champagne, I know. You’ve told me before that you don’t enjoy drinking a glass of liquid as dry as a desert. However, it could be that you don’t like dry Champagne, and there are other types of sparkling wines to be had. Don’t let the fact that brut Champagne isn’t your palate…

Dessert wine paired with Harry & David’s Organic Pears + Giveaway

While any day is a good day for dessert, a holiday is the best excuse to enjoy it with a dessert wine. When Harry & David asked if I’d like to host a giveaway (end of this post) of one box of their organic Royal Riviera pears during the holidays, I knew it would be…

Nine Wines For Your Thanksgiving Feast

It’s a scant few days before Thanksgiving, have you finalized your menu yet? Of course you have, and you’ve paired the perfect wine with the meal, right? Well, most wine writers and sommeliers will argue that there is no ONE wine that works perfectly for Thanksgiving. I’ve written about pairing wine with Thanksgiving meals before,…

Tasting Three Bordeaux Wines Under $20

I believe many people in the US are afraid of French wine! I feel this fear is the product of three factors, the inability to pronounce the wine’s name easily, the inability to identify the grapes readily, and the inability to be comfortable with the previous two factors given lofty prices of some French wines….


Funk is all around us. It’s in music, as a funky bass line. It’s in wine, as the funky, barnyard scent found in some wines. And of course, it’s in our head. We all get into a funk from time to time. For some, it’s mere moments in a day, while for others, it can…

Is The California Wine Club The Wine Club For You?

With Mother’s Day around the corner, you could get mom a gift of visiting California, so she could enjoy wine country. Or, you could bring wine country to mom, giving the gift of wine from small boutique CA wineries. For the past 23 years, husband and wife Bruce and Pam Boring visit the smaller wineries…

St Patrick’s Day – It’s not just for beer anymore

Though St. Patrick’s Day is a religious celebration, enjoying a drink has long been a part of that celebration. And while it’s customary to have a beer or cocktail on St Patrick’s Day, enjoying a glass of wine is certainly an option. To put together a food and wine pairing piece, I asked an Irish…